Age Spots and Sunspots are no Match for IPL Lumecca

Lumecca IPL Vancouver

Did you know you don’t have to live with unwanted signs of ageing? Doctors have used IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) to treat blotchiness, red spots, freckles, and other skin conditions for over twenty years. Over time, technology has changed and improved. As a medically-lead aesthetic clinic, we’re proud to offer Lumecca—the gold standard for IPL in Vancouver.

Lumecca VS Traditional IPL

Lumecca is transforming the face of skin rejuvenation. As a non-invasive technology from InMode, Lumecca improves skin texture and visibly reduces the appearance of pigmentation. Compared to traditional IPL, it’s a state-of-the-art technology that delivers up to 3X more energy in the 500-600 nm range. For treating extensive sun damage and pigmented lesions, it’s a fast and effective treatment that can be used over the entire body—décolletage, hands, arms, legs, neck, and face—nearly anywhere you notice age spots or sunspots.