You’ve already heard about CoolSculpting. You’ve done the diets, the yoga, the weight training, and you’ve run out of patience. As a safe and medically proven treatment for the removal of stubborn fat, CoolSculpting is now the #1 non-invasive fat reduction procedure in the world.

For those wondering how it all works, the treatment involves using a handheld device to precisely freeze the fat below the surface of the skin. During treatment, these cells freeze and crystallize, allowing the body to eliminate them naturally. Results may be apparent after 2-3 weeks, with the most notable changes occurring within 2 to 4 months.

CoolSculpting can target and eliminate stubborn pockets of fat all over the body. These include:

  • Love handles
  • Bra bulges
  • Chest fat
  • Banana rolls
  • Muffin tops and
  • Belly pooches

So what does CoolSculpting Cost?

It’s important to note that every treatment is based on consultation and personalized to you. Ultimately, the cost is determined by the areas you want to treat and how many sessions will be required to meet your personal goals.

As a rough guide, there are three applicator sizes, with many different attachments to comfortably treat different parts of the body.  Per session, each treatment ranges from $750 $1,500, depending on the size of the applicator that’s being used. At her Vancouver CoolSculpting Clinic, Dr. Kamani offers complimentary one-on-one consultations in order to answer questions and put together personalized treatment plans for patients.

As a comparison, liposuction costs about $1,500-$2,000 per treatment. According to, the average cost for liposuction in Vancouver is $7175—and that doesn’t account for the trauma, stress, and downtime it takes to heal the body.

CoolSculpting requires no surgery. There are no knives, needles, suction hoses, or scars. It’s an effective way to get rid of the fat that diet and exercise can’t. Treatment takes about 35-60 minutes, and is administered personally by Dr. Kamani at her Vancouver CoolSculpting Clinic. After each session, you can carry on with your day as normal.

Get started on the journey to a slimmer, trimmer you. CoolSculpting eliminates the fat and bulges that have become a long-term bother. It’s a medically-proven, FDA approved procedure that works for men and women.

To book your free consultation, contact Dr. Kamani at (604) 222-9998 or